Opening Night Reception April 11, 2019
It does take a village—and with funding for frames from both the Wimberley Lions Club and the Wimberley Community Civic Club, each year the Wimberley Valley Art League holds a Student Art Show to honor the young artists in our town. There are so many reasons why we do this. One is the joy, pride, and sense of accomplishment we see on the faces of the students whose framed artwork hangs in our gallery. From the age of five to eighteen, Wimberley’s students say that art gives them joy. It is a way to escape from stress. A way to connect with parents. A way to express their feelings. They say it best in their own words, pasted next to their paintings hanging on the gallery walls. “I like art a lot because it makes me happy. It makes me feel good inside. Art makes me so happy I want to explode pictures.” “To me, art is like a child. You put your all into its growth and become a proud parent in the end.” “Art is everything.” Come see for yourself, the photographs do not do the artwork justice!