by Tom Wiley.
How many of us would give anything to attend a presentation by Georgia O'Keeffe? To hear firsthand her experiences, her motivations -- what an opportunity! Well, Georgia is currently unavailable to speak at the next WVAL General Meeting, but another artist will be there to share some creative insights.
While it can often seem challenging to add another date to already crowded calendars, WVAL members are lucky to meet once a month and briefly step into the world of a fellow artist.
Please make every attempt to attend these fun social get-togethers. Encourage other members and prospective members you know to come, too. Bring a friend. This is just another benefit of our strong and supportive group.
Join us at the Community Center MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 for our last meeting of 2022. Our presenter is Taylor Dueker (pictured here).
Meetings are 6:30 - 8:00 and are open to EVERYONE, artist, art supporter, member, and prospective member. Doors open at 6:00; come early for social time in the Gallery.
Click HERE for information about membership and HERE for a calendar of our 2023 presentations, then come experience Wimberley's outstanding art community!
